Our current discount offer : how to use the discount voucher code

Dear Royber.de customer,

if You are on this site, You have clicked a link in an email from us where we offer a discount.

The current offer is our saison opening offer.


The voucher code for this offer is



If You type in this code as shown below, the system deducts 25% of the subtotal sum .



Some useful infos how to type in the voucher code:

Be sure that the voucher code is still valid and  written correctly.



Unfortunately the checkout is only possible in German language. This could result in mistakes from foreign customers.

But using the voucher code is simple:

If You did found Your products, click on the "Zur Kasse" Button or on the basket icon on the right side above the Royber logo.

If done, a page with all Your products appears and this is the right place for the voucher.

In the example "BEISPIELBESTELLUNG" below, You see the big red arrow behind the word "Gutschein" (Voucher) . At this place type in the voucher code. Then click on the grey button "Einlösen".

If You have any comments for us or special wishes, let it know us below (where You see the second big red arrow.

Please be careful during typing in the address data. We can not find out if anything is wrong with a foreign address. If wrong, the box will come back to us and additional delivery time and costs will be the result.